It may not feel like it yet, but February 2 marks the Celtic festival of Imbolc which celebrates the return of the first stirrings of new Spring life. Seeds that have lain to rest deep beneath the soil last Autumn are beginning to vibrate with potential. Perhaps you are feeling those same stirrings deep within you? Intentions, projects, and dreams that began as a flicker in your heart last Autumn are getting ready to be birthed into fruition. The winter can feel long, and it may feel like you have a long way to go… but we are being invited now to practice having faith that we are indeed on the right path. Faith asks us to surrender to something greater, and to trust that all forces are working to lead us to embody our highest self. Faith invites us to let go of control and to remain open to our seeds blossoming in ways that we might not have expected. It is a bold step to keep walking forward into the unknown. Trust that with each step and breath you take the path will continue to reveal itself. We practice faith in every cycle of the breath. At the bottom of each exhale, we don’t question if the next inhale will come – we simply trust that it will. Know that unwavering faith already exists within you in the wisdom of your breath. Rest in that moment of suspension right before the rebirth of the inhale… we are there now. Open your hands and heart and know that all good things are on their way.